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On Wednesday, 19 th of June 2024, the Canadian government officially announcd the listing
of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organzation. The Association
for the Alliance of Iranian-Canadians (AIC) welcomes this long overdue but very important
step in supporting the pro-secular democracy movement of the people of Iran as it also
starts to hold the fascist Islamic regime in Iran accountable for their abhorent crimes against
human rightsin Iran as well as their continued threats to regional and world peace and
As echoed by the visionary leader of the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy, His Royal
Highness Shah Reza Pahlavi, we are grateful to all members of the Canadian parliament who
led this effort as well as all Iranian-Canadians who have relentlessly worked to persuade
their elected politicians to stand with the people of Iran, in concrete action and not just in
We call upon all other freedom-loving countries througout the free world, particualrly the
UK and the European Union to follow suit and stand on the right side of history through the
same terrorist designation of the IRGC. This act will go a long way in provding the maximum
support for the people of Iran that our leader and all political and human—rights activists
have been calling for, for many years. Maximum support steps such as this alongside
maximum pressure through continued economic, cultural and sports sanctions against the
regime in Tehran will help make restoration of secular democracy in Iran a reality and as a
result a huge step for lasting peace and prosperity for the troubled Middle East and the
entire world.

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