The Alliance of Iranian-Canadians (AIC) is the result of almost four decades of work by various Canadian personalities and groups of Iranian origin. Our organization is comprised of members who come from very different walks of life, and very different political orientations, from left, right to center.

Here is your chance to make a difference. Whether it’s fighting for democracy, protecting Canadians, or working together for positive change, the AIC is there. Your donation will help us further our goals in creating a free, democratic Iran that respects all people and is a truly free and strong ally for Canada. It will help us lobby elected officials, promote human rights, disseminate research into the destabilizing and threatening activities of the current regime in Iran, as well as protect cultural, social and political rights of Iranian-Canadians at home and abroad.

Please give generously. Together, we can make a significant difference to our community at large.

Association of the Alliance of Iranian Canadian is a Non-profit organization registered in Canada in May 2021 under the Incorporation Number: S0074908


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2. Via Interac (email transfer) using our organization’s email address:

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