Although registered and formally established in 2021 as a non-partisan, not for profit society, the Alliance of Iranian-Canadians is the result of the blood, sweat and tears of close to four decades of work by various Canadian personalities and groups of Iranian origin.

Since its formal registration in early 2021, and through various campaigns, the Alliance of Iranian-Canadians has disseminated its decades-long research, showing how the regime in Iran takes advantage of Canadian politicians, institutions, and the public, to violate the security and civil liberties of ordinary Canadians whether of Iranian origin or not.

In a short period of time, the AIC has gained considerable political and public support in its endeavor, as its actions and publications reflect unspoken truths to which many if not most Canadians and immigrant communities agree with.

The AIC is comprised of members who come from very different walks of life, and very different political orientations, from left, right to center.

The AIC members are each already established and trusted in their respective communities.

After only a short period of time, the result of the AIC’s first activities has been the building of a movement for freedom in Canada and worldwide; a world without extremism, where democratic governments can operate in peace.

Our formal mandate is

  • Standing up for Democracy

    To expose the democratic illegitimacy and human rights violations of the Islamic State of Iran, as well as its opportunistic infiltration in Canadian cultural, religious and economic affairs, by our lobby activity to Canadian political, legal and security institutions for the purpose of safeguarding Canadian rights and institutions.

  • Protecting All Canadians

    To work together with Canadian intelligence and security agencies in preventing the Islamic State of Iran from engaging in intimidation tactics against Canada and its citizens, including through presenting credible research to such agencies.

  • Working Together for Change

    To engage in collective action, the sharing of information, problem-solving and advocacy in defending the shared cultural, civil, social and political rights of Iranian-Canadians.

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